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December 14

Faith, Clarity and Trust
Crazy times call for crazy ideas. Probably true. But, perhaps even more importantly, crazy times call for faith, clarity and trust. This calendar has already dealt with the faith dimension and partly with clarity – visual future picture. What about trust? The cultural aspect has always been significant but will climb the ladder of importance. Values and principles will call your cards as decisions will, by necessity and request, move closer to the source. Things like comprehensive view, curiosity, collaboration, right from me, morals & ethics – in heart and mind among everyone – will make people trust each other, trust decisions, trust that everyone is on the same side. And focus and clarity will come along. Establishing or refocusing values and principles is the opposite to shoddy workmanship and has few agile shortcuts. So, please start yesterday. And keep it simple, dear. Ingenuity as well as clarity go hand in hand with simplicity.