Digital services
Digital services
The focus is the portfolio of digital services. You need cross-functional arenas to govern your concept development and your strategic portfolio.
The digital services development usually has to be aligned with your product development since the services, most often, are based on software and information which are integrated in the products. This is a real challenge from a quality perspective and many companies face new types of customer claims and complaints - a serious threat to your product brands.
There is also a business process challenge involved, in cases such as configuring, selling, deliver and invoicing services. Surprisingly many organizations are not ready to scale their commercial system of digital services. They rely on manual procedures and lack basic data stores for e.g., customer data.
Infobility is experienced in implementing service portfolios, innovative and supporting structures and business processes. We engage your organization cross-functionally, and can reduce your lead-time for go to market substantially.

Download the Digital services white-paper (only in Swedish)